Right Way Logistics is dedicated to fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities. We believe that as a leading cargo and shipping firm in Jordan, it is incumbent upon all our employees and contractors to comply with this policy. We anticipate that our suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers, along with their subsidiaries, affiliates, and sub-contractors, will also pledge to uphold the following commitments:
- No child labor will be employed.
- No involuntary, forced, or compulsory labor will be used.
- No use of corporal punishment, threats of violence, coercion, or other forms of physical, sexual, sychological or verbal harassment, abuse, or intimidation.
- Treat each employee with dignity and respect.
- It is imperative to refrain from discriminating in the hiring and employment process, including salary, benefits, promotion, disciplinary action, termination, or retirement. Such discrimination should not be based on factors such as race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, political beliefs, disability, or any other category that is safeguarded by law.
- It is essential to acknowledge and uphold employees’ lawful and peaceful right to form associations, organize, and engage in collective bargaining without facing any form of penalty or interference.
- A secure and healthy work environment committed to all relevant laws and regulations is vital. This includes providing employees with reasonable access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities, ensuring fire safety measures, and adequate lighting and ventilation.
- No retaliation against any employee who makes a good faith report of abuse, intimidation, discrimination, harassment, or any violation of law or who assists in the investigation of any such a report.
- Comply with all applicable wage and hour laws and regulations and provide legally mandated benefits.
- Ensure adherence to all environmental laws and regulations that are relevant and applicable to the situation.
- Continue assessing our business operations to improve process efficiency and reduce environmental impacts.
- Provide resources to encourage and facilitate employees to participate in volunteering, community services, and charitable activities.
- Comply with all laws related to bribery, extortion, and other forms of corruption.
- Comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws, regulations, treaties, and industry standards, including, without limitation, those about providing products or services, pricing, sale, and distribution of the relevant products and services.
- Communicate this policy to all employees and post a copy in a place readily accessible to employees.
The Board of Directors has authorized this policy, which will be assessed periodically and updated as needed to ensure its relevance.